Sunday, September 27, 2015

Visualizing and Refining Terrain Survey


As we ventured out in the field this week our class was tasked with revising our original field surveys using a different more refined method of surveying. After all groups had completed the first sandbox our class collectively went out to inspect and critically investigate how groups surveyed and overcame any issues with designing and collecting the original data points. We found that most groups had decided to use a uniform grid survey technique. We also found that most groups to counteract the negative numbers had added the width of the board to raise the original base of the box. Both of these techniques is what our group had used to collect the original data points. Once we had discussed the ways we had surveyed the sandboxes we now where tasked to find more precise ways of survey elaborate features to accurately display in 3-D imagery.

Figure 1.1 original formatting for collection of data points did not work for importing to Arc

Figure 1.2: Desired formatting for Arc GIS all columns are same data and each column does not included equations.


After all of our data points where collected we needed to display our sandbox in Arc scene 3-d imagery. To do this we needed to import our Microsoft Xcel table to Arc in order to display our points. However, being inexperienced and new to using our own data our group was not aware that a specific format needed to be implemented in Arc to be able to import the data. Our original table was set up to have easy input of each z value so we started our grid in the top left corner of the sandbox and laid the grid a-e from top left to top right and 1-14 from top left to bottom left (figure 1.1). We had thought since this layout was the same as a excel sheet is formatted it would be easier to input the values. What we quickly found out is that we needed to have a table with three columns of like attributes for the input process to work. (Figure 1.2). You can also see in figure 1.2 that we changed our alphabetical labeling to replicate our grid inches to be increments of eight. Although this change now allowed us to import the table and display the data it was not the table we needed. We found when we displayed the data that our features in our sandbox where all inverted. After trouble shooting the issue we found this was due to our original false origin being placed in the top left corner. If we wanted to keep the original false origin we would need negative x-values for our grid which you cannot have in your table so we had to move the false origin of our grid to the lower left corner of our plot. Lastly our group found it to be easier to change the table grid to replicate our centimeter values of our sandbox meaning the table would go 1-120 in increments of eight centimeters. It was this change that allowed us to make it easier to input more defined values in our new stratified survey. We had decided to stratify within our original grid marks which made it possible to get accurate height values on any area with features without having to survey more points in areas not holding significant features.
Once we had brainstormed and resolved all of our complication of our original data we were able to display our sandbox features. For the first set of data points we were asked to generate 3-d images in five different interpolations, consisting of Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Natural Neighbors, Kriging, Spline, and Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). Once displayed we needed to determine which one was the best representation of our survey and why it was the best fit.
IDW: Inverse Distance Weighted is a interpolation is usually used with surveys that has a very localized area with many data points. It uses a range of values to interpolate the true features and is limited for it can only range from the highest and lowest values of your data table. It is because of this limitation that the IDW was not one of the better choices for our sandbox display. The display was very inconsistent and had a lot of pore ridges as seen with the bumpy surface below.
Natural Neighbors: Nat Neighbors was a little better representation for our model for it does not interpolate any ridges, pits or hills that do not show up in the data. It uses a notion of “area-stealing” meaning that it finds an average height from all surrounding data points to infer what the feature looks like. This allows for smoother surface but also leads to shifts and variation from original location of features.

 Kriging:  Was to this point the best method it uses a very complicated statistical method of finding a relationship with the z-values to design a accurate workflow and display of the features. It is because of the relationship statistics that allows one to have greater confidence in the accuracy and predictions of the kriging model. Although it is not the best fit for our sandbox for it is better used when there is a spatial tie to the survey or a directional bias.

Spline: Spline or thin plate interpolation is one of best models to use when you find yourself surveying gently sloping areas and features with gently elevation change as we were with our sandbox features. Once modeled spline minimizes overall curvature which gives a gently surface to the display as you can see in the image. It is the smooth surface and best display that made us pick to use spline for our second survey.

TIN: Triangulated Irregular Network uses raster and our defined z points to design and connect multiple triangular points that are connected to show your features. However, with little data points our TIN became very rough and didn’t fit our field feature very well.

Second survey:
For our second survey we decided to redesign new feature since our original design was destroyed by the weather. However, we keep all our same layout and grid patterns (image 1.3) but with our new knowledge set our false origin in the lower left and input the data with three columns and grid of increments of eight centimeters but stratified in all areas where there where features. The final product was displayed in a spline model for it best represented our features.

Image 1.3 Grid pattern of second sandbox trial with new features. We measure all stratified areas ever 2cm where needed


 Overall this project was very helpful to our group for it allowed us to see firsthand how critical prep work is and proper formatting when collect data point in the field. We found that if you try and cut corners or take an easy route it can cause you a lot of pain and time in the long run fixing your mistakes. I hope we can continue to get a lot of filed work for this way of learning is pleasing and laid back way to learn.


The only negative parts to this lab for me was the challenging landscape in which we were given to build our features. I wish we could have had a closer location to build and preserve our features. If this was accessible it would be easier to make more elaborate features knowing you could keep them same if you needed longer time to collect points. 


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